Curtain Wall

Non Metallic Curtain Wall

GRC Board Curtain Wall



  GRC is the abbreviation of Glass Fiber Reinforced Cement, that is, glass fiber reinforced cement products. It is a new type of hydraulic composite material formed by pressing alkali resistant glass fiber and low alkalinity cement. Commonly used GRC finished products are lightweight flat panels, lightweight hollow strips, etc., with thicknesses of 60mm, 90mm, 120mm, etc., and special molds can also be used to make complex shapes. It is suitable for interior partition walls and exterior walls of buildings.

  The main features of GRC panel curtain wall are as follows:

  1. Unique appearance effect, which can realize any complex building surface.

  2. Light weight, high strength, good toughness, crack resistance, fire resistance, low temperature resistance, and aging resistance.

  3, easy to shape, strong processing technology, can be made into thin-walled, complex shapes of various building components and products.

  4. It can be formed into any desired shape through mold forming.

  5. It is installed on the keel of the curtain wall by means of mechanical fixation, which is easy to install and operate, and easy to repair and maintain.

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